Games for Bonding with Dogs that also build Trust!
Playing with your dog is one of the best ways to bond with your dog. Play isn't only for puppies. Play is important for all dogs at all phases and stages of life.
These following games will build trust between you and your dog as well as your dog's confidence.
Games create shared experiences, encourage communication and deepen the connection between you and your dog.
Play is very important for dogs. Play is a form of communication and bonding. When you play with your dog, you gain insight into your dog's unique personality and preferences. Your dog grows to trust you, associate you with fun, and learns to communicate with you. In addition to all those benefits, your dog also receives mental enrichment and physical exercise.
These games encourage problem-solving, enhance cognitive skills, and prevent boredom to reduce destructive behaviors. Playing reduces stress and anxiety, enhances social skills, and helps with behavioral training.
Below are some fun and easy games to play with your dog. Details about how to play each game in the video below.
Dogs have an instinct to chase and retrieve objects.
Hide and Seek
Engage your dog’s senses and enhances recall skills.
Hide from your dog and call your dog to find you.
Tug of War
Build strength and reinforce obedience commands such as drop it, off, or leave it.
This game reinforces impulse control and trust.
Copy Me
Teach your dog to copy your actions. Use verbal commands and positive reinforcement. This strengthens communication and helps your dog become more attuned to your body language. This game enhances focus on you, building a stronger connection and reinforcing the bond of trust.
Obstacle Course and Agility
Set up obstacles to guide your dog over, under, around, etc.
This game improves coordination, strengthens muscles, and enhances focus and teamwork.
Object Identification
Teach your dog the names of their toys. It enhances cognitive skills and communication.
Treasure Hunt / Find treats
Dogs instinctively search for food. Hiding food provides mental stimulation and excitement. Hide treats around the house or yard and encourage your dog to find them using verbal cues like “Find it!”.
Water Based Games
Swimming, retrieving toys from the water, or playing fetch in shallow areas.
Magic Cup Game
Place a treat under one of three cups, shuffle them, and let your dog guess which cup it’s under. Stimulates problem-solving skills.
Put on some music and encourage your dog to jump, spin, or weave between your legs.
Blow dog-friendly bubbles and watch as your furry friend leaps, chases, and pops them. This game stimulates your dog’s natural prey drive and provides entertainment and exercise
Obedience Games
Obedience games combine training exercises with play, making them an effective way to reinforce obedience commands and strengthen the bond between you and your dog. Incorporate obedience commands such as “sit,” “stay,” “lie down,” and “come” into various games.
Watch the video below, for more about games to bond with your dog that also build trust.
